Asset Management:
Set up simple automation functions in your online IT asset management tool as well as leverage the built in capabilities to handle all your manual efforts of deciding priorities, categories, assignment and ticket closure.
Managing the cloud based ITIL asset management solution performance and improve service outcome with predefined and customized reporting capabilities.
Inventory Management:
Locking, stocking and storing all the assets including IT and non-IT assets. Starting from evaluation of cost, planning the purchase with the latest updated technology, be it under AMC, hardware or software.
Asset Auto-Discovery:
All asset identification through the discovery tool, identifying functional & non-functional assets, scanning of periodic update of hardware & software.
Asset Lifecycle Management:
A single flow chart giving insight of the anytime, anywhere availability, required procurement, maintenance, depreciation & disposal of assets.
Help Desk and Management:
For multi-location based user base helpdesk management has become a business necessity.
IT Facility Management:
Our IT Facility management encompasses multiple disciplines to ensure functionality, comfort, safety and efficiency of the built environment by integrating people, place, process and technology.

Asset Management and Troubleshooting:
Our services deal with a wide range of IT and allied business lending a hand to our clients in system integration, system support, operation support and many more.
We offer voice service and IVR based service support to all the services we provide. This helps our client have an efficient compliant management system and address customer queries.
We do provide Technical support with leading hardware and software solutions. We do provide network solution with leading CISCO and Juniper devices.
Ticket Management System:
• Dynamic input fields for logging service request
Customer Service Software, Dialer CRM, IVRS Solutions Development and Management:
Connections Direct streamlines your business calling processes, be it Inboud or Outbound calling through our IVR & Dialer Integration Services.
We integrate the IVR and Dialer Solutions in your Systems (CRM, ERP & LMS) in coordination with Telecom Service Providers as per the TRAI guidelines. We guide you in the selection of the Telecom Service Providers who creates the hardware setup according to your requirements.
Business Analytics:
Business Analytics makes extensive use of statistical analysis, including explanatory and predictive modeling, and fact-based management to drive decision making. It is therefore closely related to management science.
Analytics may be used as input for human decisions or may drive fully automated decisions. Business intelligence is querying, reporting, online analytical processing (OLAP), and "alerts."
In other words, querying, reporting, online analytical processing (OLAP), and alert tools can answer questions such as what happened, how many, how often, where the problem is, and what actions are needed. Business analytics can answer questions like why is this happening, what if these trends continue, what will happen next (predict), and what is the best outcome that can happen (optimize).